As a performance cycling lab, we work with a range of cyclists and triathletes. Everyone is in a different place in their cycling journey. Some are trying to get a competitive edge in an upcoming event while others are more focused on setting personal records (PRs). If you are looking to set a new PR this season, read on!


Plan your training


Planning your training around your season goals will help you to go into your event with a combination of your best fitness and fresh legs! Work with a coach to help you build the right plan and hold you accountable for your goals. At Link, we work with a lot of top cycling, triathlon, and mountain bike coaches.  Let us know if you need a great referral.


Break the race into chunks


If you are an endurance cyclist or mountain biker, break your event into chunks and set a goal time for each section. When riding long distances, it can be easy for your mind to wander and your power and speed to drop. Having micro-goals will keep you focused. 


Write down your goals 


Once you have your splits or race goals, tape these to your top tube on race day. My favorite thing is drawing out the profile and marking each section with the distance and my goal time. If you get through the section and you are slightly off your splits, just adjust your effort. Having a goal will also help if you have a support crew waiting to hand you a bottle or feed bag. 


Plan Your Ride Nutrition


Planning your riding nutrition is essential to setting a PR. Carry extra drink mix and electrolytes for when you fill your bottles and never experiment with your nutrition on race day. 


Don't forget to optimize your bike fit.


Make sure your bike fit is optimized by scheduling a professional bike fit. It's never a good idea to move things around at the last minute on your bike so we recommend planning ahead to make sure you have time to adapt to the new position. We have worked with cyclists over the years who have let numbness, saddle sores, or excessive muscle fatigue get in the way of their performance. When your body has the proper support, you can ride longer and stronger. At Link, we also offer bike repair services so we will make sure your ride is tuned and ready for your big event!



At Link, our passion for helping cyclists tackle their goals is what drives us. Contact us to discuss your cycling goals and let us know how we can support you in your cycling journey.
